Kava Blog

How Is Kava Used in Ceremonies?

Posted by on May 31, 2007 in Ask Makaira | 0 comments

How Is Kava Used in Ceremonies?

Even though the Christian missionaries tried to eradicate the use of this ancient and sacred plant, it was too “deeply rooted” in various cultures across the Pacific to be fully eliminated from the islands. As a result, Kava Kava is still used in various kava ceremonies and to mark special occasions. Kava originally had a revered place amongst high-ranking chiefs and elders, but its ceremonial use reaches as far and wide as a simple welcome for honored guests at a social event, to a mini celebration to mark the completion of a...

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Kava In a Nutshell

Posted by on May 21, 2007 in Kava News | 24 comments

Kava In a Nutshell

A report stating that Kava caused liver damage was released in 2001 but ended up backfiring on the “powers that be” who sought to ban its use. As a result, there was a rash of studies (both informal and clinical) aimed to see if Kava was as bad as the report stated, despite the fact that with over 3,000 years of use throughout Oceania, there wasn’t a single death linked directly to Kava root use.  These clinical studies have shown that the Kava herb (when using only the roots and NOT the leaf or stem) is a (I’m only...

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Can I Use Kava for Dreaming?

Posted by on May 12, 2007 in Ask Makaira | 12 comments

Can I Use Kava for Dreaming?

We have often been asked if one can use kava for dreaming. To be honest, we have never directly tested this, nor have we found any anecdotal evidence about it on the internet. It would seem that kava and dreaming would go hand in hand, especially because many use it for gaining a more restful sleep. If one is having a more restful sleep, then it only makes sense that one will not only have more dreams, but will retain more dreams as well. We have also read many articles about plants such as valerian root, Calea Zacatechichi, Wild Lettuce, Sea...

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Is Kava an Aphrodisiac?

Posted by on May 9, 2007 in Ask Makaira | 0 comments

Is Kava an Aphrodisiac?

Another popular question here at the farm, “Is kava an aphrodisiac?” The short answer is “YES!”, kava can be a GREAT aphrodisiac for both the mind AND the body! First, it is quickly becoming a well-known fact that Kava Kava is known as the “anti-shyness” herb, and this, dear readers, is for good reason. One of the many amazing benefits of kava, is that it can be so relaxing without drowsiness, putting one in a more open and comfortable state, quite conducive to both initiating conversation with a potential...

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Does Kava Cause Liver Damage?

Posted by on May 5, 2007 in Ask Makaira | 3 comments

Does Kava Cause Liver Damage?

This is, by far, our #1 Frequently Asked Question, and the answer, plain and simple, is; “No, not when used properly.” Now, before you dismiss any of what I’m about to tell you as “conspiracy theory” or the wild imaginings of some crazed victim of heatstroke in Hawaii, know five simple, verifiable facts: 1. We come from a long line of growers who have used this wonderful plant for thousands of years, and there is not one single case of liver disease in our family history. We also only consume the root of the...

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