Kava News

UFO Landing Pad Officially Opens in Hawaii!

Posted by on Aug 5, 2014 in Kava News | 0 comments

UFO Landing Pad Officially Opens in Hawaii!

I know what you’re all thinking—what the heck does this story have to do with kava kava? Truthfully, I may be stretching convention a bit by calling this “kava news”, but it’s such a quirky, fun story that I couldn’t resist! More to the point, guess where this new UFO landing pad has just opened? Right across the street from Uncle Robert’s Kava Bar in Kalapana on the Big Island of Hawaii!! Ahem. Lest I sound too much like a giddy “New Ager”, allow me to back up and explain exactly what the story is behind this remarkable headline. On June 27th, 2014, locals in this town in the Puna region of...

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German Kava Ban Repealed!

Posted by on Jun 25, 2014 in Kava News | 0 comments

German Kava Ban Repealed!

Aloha, dear readers! It is with a joyously singing heart that I write to you all today with news that the ban on kava kava in Germany has officially been lifted by the country’s highest administrative court! In a story that appeared in Islands Business on June 12th, 2014, it seems that the German Federal Administrative Court has finally recognized that kava kava is a very safe medicine when used appropriately!! Basically, the court stated that groundless fears were simply not enough to justify banning people’s access to this wonderful root: in explaining its decision to overturn the kava ban...

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Kava Culture Sprouting into the Music Scene

Posted by on Jun 7, 2014 in Kava News | 0 comments

Kava Culture Sprouting into the Music Scene

While this fun bit of information I’m about to share with you isn’t necessarily directly related to kava kava and all of its wonders – it is about Kava culture and culturally speaking anything related to Kava in some way is definitely worth sharing! And Kava culture is expanding its horizons it seems, as it dabbles its loving fingers into the mainstream music scene. Anyone who has indulged in Kava culture a little bit, or a lot, may be aware of the beautifully traditional Kava songs out of the Pacific Islands. These songs are quite relaxing and lovely to sit back and listen...

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Mahakea Kava: The Happy Kava

Posted by on Jun 1, 2014 in Featured, Kava News | 0 comments

Mahakea Kava: The Happy Kava

It’s been a long time, but several years of patience as we moved and then replanted our cultivar of kava that made Kona Kava Farm a sought after brand of Kava is back in stock; our Mahakea Kava with a 4-2-6 chemotype and lateral-only root stock in our Mahakea Powdered Kava products!

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Proud of Our GMP Kava!

Posted by on May 1, 2014 in Featured, Kava News | 0 comments

Proud of Our GMP Kava!

Something we’ve been absolutely terrible at advertising (we’re usually quite terrible at advertising ourselves), is the fact that 100% of our Kava products are manufactured in an FDA-compliant, GMP manufacturing facility.  That’s something we’re pretty darn proud of, as there’s automatically a certain level of quality that each and every product must meet, from the label, to the package, to the contents of that package, to the way it’s marketed, to any claims made on it. Every one of the products we offer goes through a very rigorous series of tests that...

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2013: The Year in Kava!

Posted by on Jan 21, 2014 in Kava News | 0 comments

2013: The Year in Kava!

A big aloha to all of you readers out there in this new year of 2014! As we say goodbye to what was undoubtedly a tumultuous year worldwide in 2013, I thought it might be a good time to look back at some of the strides, both large and small, local and global, that my beloved kava has made in the public consciousness. What were the biggest news stories you discovered about kava in 2013? Please write me if something you were expecting doesn’t appear on this list; I always love to hear from our dear visitors! Now then, on to the year in kava! May 13th, 2013- The University of Melbourne released...

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